What is Scrip?

Posted: 08/18/2016 - by Charlie Narmi

The kids are almost back in school, and there are many families who don't know about our Scrip program, or maybe have forgotten about it over the summer.  Let me "re-introduce" you to our Scrip (not Script with a t) program here at St. Albert.  In short, Scrip is fundraising and tuition savings while you shop. The term Scrip means "substitute money".  When you purchase Scrip from St. Albert, you are purchasing gift cards as an alternative form of payment. Scrip gift cards are the same ones you would buy in the store at the same exact price.  The only thing you need to do is plan your purchases a few days ahead of time so that your Scrip order can be processed and delivered.  I want to stress that you are getting dollar-to-dollar redemption on the Scrip cards.  In other words, $50 cash buys a $50 gift card.  


So, now you are probably asking how is Scrip a fundraiser and tuition savings program?  Here is how it works.  Participating retailers agree to sell gift cards to St. Albert at a discount / rebate.  The discounts vary between 1.5% up to 20% depending on various specials.  Families buy the gift cards through our Scrip program for the full face value and then I purchase them from the retailers at the discount value.  The difference is our fundraising proceed.  The discount amount is then split 50/50 between the school's operating budget and tuition account for a student specified by the participating family.  


Scrip cards are purchased through the Great Lakes Scrip Center in Michigan.  At the present time, Great Lakes has close to 400 retailers that participate in the Scrip program.  We also have approximately 25 local retailers that participate in the Scrip program.  The local retailers include HyVee, Family Fare, Fareway, Super Saver, Pizza King, Lansky's, and Barleys.   All you need to do is go online at www.shopwithscrip.com and shop.  Many people think that Scrip gift cards are for gift giving only.  But, Scrip is much more than that.  Gift cards are available to grocery stores, gas companies, clothing stores, restaurants, and much, much more.  


At St. Albert, we order Scrip cards on Mondays and then they are available on the corresponding Thursday.  Orders are always due by Noon on Mondays.  Pick Up times are 3:00 - 5:30pm on Thursdays during the school year.  Times vary in the summer.  


The Scrip program has been in place at St. Albert for over 10 years and is a very successful program.  Over the past years, the Scrip program has generated over $571,000 in revenue and tuition savings.  The more families that participate and purchase gift cards through the program, the more we save.  The rebates add up very quickly, but you have to be diligent on placing your orders.  


If you have questions, please email me at scrip@saintalbertschools.org or call me at 712-329-9000.  I can get you registered with the enrollment code and ready to shop in just a few days.  There is also information on the St. Albert School website.  Click on Resources and then scroll down to Scrip Program.  If you are interested in looking at the retailers list, please visit www.shopwithscrip.com for a complete list.  


The next Scrip order date is Monday, August 22nd. Orders need to be placed by Noon on that Monday.  Pick up will be on Thursday, August 25th between 3:00 - 5:30pm.   


Thanks for your time.  I hope you will consider participating and ordering gift cards through our Scrip program!




Thank You,
Lisa Gronstal
Scrip Coordinator

St. Albert Schools
712 329-9000 


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