Vinnie's Rewmor Mill - Stray Thoughts

Posted: 05/03/2006 - by

 Time to tie up some loose thoughts that have been floating around in my noggin. I generally have much respect for an occasional stray thought or two as they serve as a terrific diversion, but too many stray thoughts clog up my brain. So I have to get them out…

 Well, what did you think of the Auction? I had a great time – as I always do – but worried beforehand about the lack of buzz surrounding this year’s event. As is typically the case, there was no need to worry. The SA faithful rallied once again. Folks spent money like they had it and the general mood and feel of the Auction was of another great party on The Hill. Even a former Falcon, Ed Evisick(spelling?), won the big cash prize of $77,777. All in all, another great spring evening. 

 Did you happen to see the article on Steve & Matt O’Neill in the paper (and here on stalbertsportsfan)? These two brothers and SA Alums received the distinguished 2006 Community Pride Award from the Daily Nonpareil. Co-owners of Cutler-O’Neill Funeral Home, their respective lists of service to the community were impressive to say the least. And the coolest part is how they gave most of the credit to their folks. A great St. Albert family from day one, the O’Neills have blessed us all with their involvement with SA and CB. Congrats fellas, and thanks for everything!

 Last column I wrote about how sick spring is with activity. Too much to do, not enough time to do it. But if you haven’t been out to a few of the St. Albert sporting events yet, you’d better make time! Their seasons are winding down and we have some solid squads competing for post-season spots. The weather’s great (most of the time) so get it done. 

 Speaking of getting out, have you been to the Holland Performing Arts Center in downtown Omaha yet? Beautiful place. Walking around in there, you’d never know you were in Omaha. More European in feel and design with tons of natural surfaces and colors… which can be a bad thing if your eyesight’s not what it once was. Nance and I went to see a Sunday matinee there a couple of weekends ago (Linda Ronstadt; it’s a long story and we didn’t really go by choice. Did you know she’s 60 years old? Guess that explains the inordinate number of blue-hairs that packed the house). After the show was over and everyone headed for the down staircase to exit, a bizarre thing happened. Within the span of one minute, three different elderly folks took separate tumbles down the stairs. It was incredible. Being the youngest concert-goer by far, I had the task of assisting all three in that very long 60 seconds before the EMT’s arrived. None of the three accidents were life-threatening but all were somewhat substantial. Yea, you had to be there to appreciate the whole mess, but at least heed my advice and take the elevator when your time comes.

 Have you read Vinnie’s Top 10 Local Things To Do yet? Those are just some of my favorites. But if you have some you’d like to share, I’d love it if you e-mailed me. I’ll share as many as I can when I can. And I’ll post another Top 10 list in the coming days. If you have ideas for other Top 10’ers you’d like to see, let me know that as well. 

 If you don’t know, I’m a hockey fanatic. Chances are most of you are not and probably have not been watching the Playoffs (even if you knew they were going on). If you haven’t given hockey a chance, this is the time to do so. Playoff hockey is unlike any other in sports. Too bad they’re only on OLN (digital Cox Cable channel 231) and NBC on the weekend. Hope they get them back on ESPN asap. And I hope my playoff pool doesn’t tank now even though the Red Wings and Stars are both out after the 1st round.

 Do any of you ever try my music choices? I know a few of the students do but I never hear from the older crowd. Give some of them a shot and let me know what you think. Send your comments to I’ve got thick skin, lay it on me. 

 As for this column’s musical selections, we will stay fairly young and contemporary (that means today, kids).

The Fray – How To Save A Life 

How To Save A Life OK, so it’s not new to most of you younger dudes and dude-etts, but it is a nice, solid effort form this ascending band. Sounds similar to Keane (who I love after only one album) but a touch heavier. Lots of other comparisons to Coldplay; that’s fair I guess. Piano is ripe, vocals are relaxed and overall makes for an enjoyable listen from start to finish.


Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am That’s What I Am Not

Whatever People Say I Am Thats What I Am Not Another brand-new British group whose hype is WAY overdone. But strip away the over-the-top raving about them being bigger than the Beatles and you have a pretty good, modern punk-sounding disc. Reminded me of early David Bowie at times. Some pulsating beats with fine electric guitar and a unique vocalist. They’ll most likely be around awhile, but don’t assume they’ll be any bigger than (insert any average band you want here).


Rock Kills Kid – Nervous

Are You Nervous I have not listened to the entire album yet; you can and let me know what you think. But I have heard one song from it called “Paralyzed.” Great tune. Too bad they stole it! Older readers, think The Kinks, “Superman.” I thought it was a re-make at first but it wasn’t and haven’t seen anything that says they sampled it either. Oh well, guess their secret’s safe… for now.


Boz Scaggs – Fade Into Light

Fade into Light I had to do one album for the old dogs. Remember when Boz Scaggs was a 70’s icon? You knew every one of his songs? Well, he’s not anymore. But you still know his songs. He has adjusted his stylings nicely to the same folks who loved him them – now called the Adult Contemporary crowd - and has re-done a few of his former hits. “Lowdown” and “We’re All Alone” sound extremely smooth on this disc. It is no “Dig” which he released a few years ago with all new material  but it does provide the perfect background for a laidback kinda’ day.


Thanks as always for logging on. And don’t be shy about sending me your thoughts or suggestions. Until next time…


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