Looking For A Few Good Men...

Posted: 01/28/2006 - by

That was the call Dance Team put out a couple weeks ago. Seventeen young men answered that call, in a quest for guts and glory. Yes, it's that time of year again, time for the Dance Team ladies to present their famous boy/girl peformance.

Team members and their guys have been hard at it, pefecting this entertaining routine. The theme is so "smokin", it is a heavily guarded secret. Fans will have two chances to catch this performance, Thursday, February 2 at the boys game and again, on Saturday, February 4th at the girls basketball game. Come out and see what happens when talented dancers combine with guys who think they have the "stuff"! Bring your camera and find a good seat. Check out the practice pictures in the DT photo album. Til then, keep dancin!



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