Middle School Announcement

Posted: 05/01/2015 - by Charlie Narmi

To All Saint Albert Families and Supporters

Dear Friends…
As the School's 50th year ends, we have an exciting change to announce for our 51st year. Starting this fall we will create Saint Albert Catholic Middle School for grades 6, 7 and 8.

Two years ago we moved our 6th grade classrooms to closer proximity to the Junior High Wing. This allowed 6th grade students who are high ability learners in math to attend 7th, or in some instances, 8th grade math classes. This past year our 6th graders had art classes in the Jr/Sr High Art Room with the Jr/Sr High Art teacher – and – had a supplement to their Religion class from our High School Theology Department.

These moves allow our 6th graders a higher level of independence and demonstrated that our 6th graders are much closer academically and socially to Junior High students than they are to Elementary students.

As Mrs. Jensen, Mr. Schweitzer and I began planning for the 2015-2016 school year we identified several more opportunities for our 6th grade students. As we worked to position these students and create a schedule, it became clear that  reorganizing to a middle school concept would enhance academic offerings for  our 6th grade students - and - create efficiencies in scheduling and classrooms for all 6th, 7th and 8th graders.

We announced this move to our 5th grade parents and students earlier in April. Student and parent meetings were held this past week to discuss plans and receive feedback on a wide variety of issues ranging from curriculum to uniforms to dances.

Over the next year you will see changes as we “re-badge” our junior high as Saint Albert Catholic Middle School.

On May 12, 2015 at 5:30 (just prior to the Elementary Spring Concert) we will hold Middle School 101. This event is an opportunity for any Middle School parents to visit with teachers and administrators about how our Middle School will operate next Fall.

Below are a few notes/details. Thank you for your continued support of Saint Albert Catholic School.


+In the past, Saint Albert 7th and 8th grade students shared teachers and classrooms with Senior High students. Three years ago work began to locate 7th & 8th grade teachers/classrooms/students in the 100 Wing of the building. This relocation resulted in 7th and 8th grade students having nearly all classes in the 100 wing with a dedicated group of teachers.
+Two years ago when Elementary classrooms shifted, the 6th grade classrooms moved to the end of the 100 Wing. At the same time, we began to allow 6th grade students, depending on their abilities, to move into 7th or 8th grade Math classes in the adjacent classrooms.

+The move of the 6th grade classrooms and the Advanced Math program has proven to be very successful. As School Leadership began planning for the 2015-2016 school year, the group discussed further synching schedules and additional sharing of teacher resources. This discussion included many options and eventually resulted in the Administration recommending the creation of a Middle School for grades 6, 7, and 8.
+The Area Board received this recommendation in January and supported the measure. The Board directed the Administration to further study how the change will be implemented and communicated to parents.

+Changes in our Junior High in the past three years have created a learning environment somewhat separate from older students.  
+Departmentalized teaching allows for more specialization by teachers - meeting the need of students this age for deeper and more directed learning.  
+6th grade students who are high ability learners will have greater opportunities to advance.
+Opportunities for creative/innovative scheduling (separate PE classes for girls/boys, additional exploratory offerings for 6th grade) will be available.

Joseph Connolly (Class of '75)
Saint Albert Catholic Schools
(712) 329-9000 Extension 1

Follow saintalbertprez on Twitter for updates from Joe


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