Welcome back, to Saint Albert Catholic Schools!

Posted: 08/24/2016 - by Charlie Narmi

The following was originally posted in late July but now is a great time for a revisit...

Dear students, families and friends of St. Albert,

I’m excited to open another school year and highlight great news about the St. Albert Catholic Schools.

Increased Enrollment: Truthfully, all staff members, students, family members, alumni and friends of St. Albert are essential to building the vibrant faith community and embodying the high expectations of our schools. Through their efforts and example, St. Albert is growing. Kindergarten enrollment has increased 33 percent, leading new student gains that have occurred across nearly every grade level for 2016-17.

International student enrollment has increased by 33 percent, and 4 percent of the high school population arrives at St. Albert from abroad including students from China – including Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany and Mexico.

Overall PK-12 enrollment at St. Albert has increased by 4.6 percent,
and we are excited to welcome all of our new students and their families.

Through the generous investment of our families, local parishes, the Diocese of Des Moines and gracious benefactors, St. Albert Catholic provides outstanding education at a tremendous value.  We are truly blessed and thankful for the community’s investment in our students. The local parish community provides one of every three dollars spent to educate the St. Albert Catholic students. Their prayers and financial support enable us to enroll, educate and graduate high achieving, faithful young men and women.

Financial assistance is provided to 35 percent of St. Albert families through the Catholic Tuition Organization, local aid and need-based scholarships.

Chromebooks and Touch Tablets have arrived for kindergartners through eighth-graders courtesy of private donations from families and friends of St. Albert.  State-of-the-art wifi network updates that extend, enrich and enhance the school learning environment from kindergarten through 12th grade were supported by local donors and a Google grant.

School administrators are prepared and committed to maintain the momentum that has enabled St. Albert to upgrade facilities, pay off debt, raise expectations and improve achievement.  I have transitioned from the middle and high school principalship into the president’s role after working with Joe Connolly for the past four years to upgrade facilities, lead academic gains and retire debt.

Paul Hans assumes the middle and high school principalship after successful experiences with Roncalli Catholic High School in Omaha, the Council Bluffs Community School District and the Papillion-La Vista Community Schools in Nebraska.  Hans immediately applied his experience and enthusiasm by leading the implementation of the K-8 Chromebook adoption. 

Leadership changes have enabled St. Albert to realign roles, responsibilities and office arrangements. The updates have improved collaboration of the St. Albert leadership, and it will help us provide better, more personalized service to our students and families.  Updated school telephone and messaging systems, plus a new school webpage are being installed for 2016-17. Refreshing St. Albert’s communication systems and online presence will empower St. Albert to deliver 21st Century service to the Council Bluffs community.

We’re excited for the coming school year, grateful for the community support and proud to extend the Saint Albert Catholic tradition of “Inspiring Greatness.”

See you at St. Albert,

David M. Schweitzer
Saint Albert Catholic Schools


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