2016 Auction Highlights

Posted: 05/03/2016 - by Charlie Narmi

These are all 'unofficial' but it's what I was able to take down...

Hy-Vee Groceries for 1 year: SA Dad Matt Coughlin

Freddie Falcon Winner: Steve & JoAnn Epperson - 1975 graduates, parents, grandparents and generous benefactors.


President Connolly also announced an expected increase in enrollment for 2016-2017 of over 5%!!!


Top Oral Auction Items (Donator) by price:

15. Gorilla Car Wash Year Pass (Jeff Ballenger): $1,450

14. Vase of Cash (You): $1,500 (Bought & donated back by Mike Hughes)

14. Margaritaville Package (Culjat's & Noethe's): $1,500

14. Smoky Mountain Vacation (Tallman's): $1,500 

14. Handyman for a Day (Klusman's): $1,500 * 2

10. Vegas Trip (Gronstal's): $1,750

9. Lake Panorama Weekend (Higginbotham's): $2,000

8. Sullivan's Dinner (Lucia Sanchez): $2,100

7. St. Peter's Christmas Pew (Father Kottas): $2,250

6. Wisconsin Vacation (Sommerville's): $2,300

5. Arcade Game (Heartland Properties and David Anderson): $3,300 * 2

4. Alumni & Friends Dinner (Alumni & Friends): $3,400

3. Notre Dame Football Weekend (Ratigan's): $3,500

2. Dario's Dinner (Epperson's): $4,250

1. Hughes & O'Neill Party (Jan Hughes & Family and Steve & Sheri O'Neill and Matt & Michelle O'Neill): $5,000 

2017 Auction: 'Candyland' on Saturday April 22nd at The MAC


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