RAGBRAI Day 3 Update: Emmetsburg to ???

Posted: 07/23/2014 - by Charlie Narmi

For a change we spent the entire day on the official route.  I don't know what got into us. To be truthful we did not complete the entire route but we did ride the loop designed to make it a century, or 100 mile, day.  So we went to the town of Bancroft twice and logged 62 miles which is a metric century, or 100 K.

The headwinds that deterred our progress into Emmetsburg turned around from the south to the north and caused a similar obstacle as we left.  Go figure.  There was a westerly component to the wind for part of the day which pushed us into Ringsted.

RAGBRAI Day 3 2014 Picture 2
Awesome couple in Danish duds
In Ringsted we saw a couple of senior citizens decked out in full costume. The picture can't do justice to how cool these folks looked.

On the way into Banccroft we caught up and rode with Mrs. Cindy Connolly (Director of The Food & Nutrition Services Bureau at SA ) for a while.  We had a great visit. For many years we were 'teammates' on their bus. We also saw Connolly daughters Sara & Andrea. Pleasant all the way around.

RAGBRAI Day 3 2014
The now-closed Catholic HS.

Bancroft was a great stop. We swung by the former Catholic HS, St. John's. Sad to see it shuttered but it's a small town and Bishop Garrigan in Algona is less than a half - hour away. The convent associated with St. John 's is now a lodging and catering establishment run by the Blunt siblings (who happen to be sisters, though not Sisters of a religious order).  Their sign pretty much says it all.

RAGBRAI Day 3 2014 Picture 4
Repurposed convent. (No fooling).

Perhaps the sisters conduct their financial transactions at this Bancroft bank.

RAGBRAI Day 3 2014 Picture 3
Bancroft, IA--hub of commerce.
It was by far the most pungently aromatic ride we've done. Mega-sized livestock confinement facilities stink--quite literally. Now I see (smell) why neighbors go to court over this issue as county officials struggle with how to address the associated problems.  Just as single-family home neighborhoods resist apartment complexes (like 70th & Cass in Omaha) the American Gothic couple wants to be able to hang their clothes out on the line without perma-stenching Pa's overalls.  Not taking a side but we about gagged just riding by. One place had 2 skid loaders (bobcats) busily scooping waste.

Mike , Annette, Denice, Kathleen & I could only make the 3 days this year. Drat the world of work.  We did declare it fun if not a skosh too hot.  Now on to the bleacher project!

Reporting for SASF: Matt Madsen


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